Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Save Eli Stone

What can you do NOW to save Eli Stone?

There are plenty different things that you can do while we gather our forces!
First, Get Watching! Get your friends, family, neighbors to tune in to Eli Stone too. More than ever now, it is crucial that we all tune in to watch Eli Stone on TV to send a message to ABC that their is definitely a viable fan base behind the show. Any spike in the ratings will undeniably make the ABC Board reconsider their decision.
Second, you can directly contact ABC to leave them a message about why you think Eli Stone should stay (try to avoid threatening / annoying / spamming them - it would only result in them blocking your ip/e-mail and it would also undermine our credibility)

ABC Site :
Third, you can start signing the online petition sites that we can later use as a proof of the amount of people who are standing behind this decision:
ABC Eli Stone Forum :
Petition Online:
Petition Site :
TV Series Finale :
iPetition :
Petition Spot :
GoPetition :
Fourth, viral sites will be a major turning point in our campaign. It will definitely attract the attention of an increasing population.
Your favorite Forum / Online Social Networking Site - Even if it is unrelated to tv/eli stone, it is very important to get the word out by any means possible.
Digg -
Yahoo Buzz-Up - Yahoo Eli Buzz Up
I understand that this might be annoying and tedious, but in the long run it could be a major asset to have a lot of sites to testify our commitment to the show!
Thank you again!

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Filed under: Saving Eli
The Master plan – Phase One: Online Rallying
By admin
Ok, I manage to squeeze in a few hours today to write up a draft master plan of what we can do altogether to make a difference.
After having reviewed some history about canceled shows, ABC’s policies, and the power of the masses, I am fairly sure that we can make our voice heard if we act swiftly and simultaneously; our primary goal at this very moment is to make this website the epicenter of the Eli Stone fanbase. (I am only rallying everyone to this site because there has been no other platform completely devoted to Eli Stone yet, should one better pop up I wouldn’t have any problems rallying there.)
Just a few ideas from Deborah & others on how to rally our fanbase together:

Facebook, Myspace, hi5 & other Social Networks – Try to get your friends to get involved in saving Eli Stone; A lot of people love to spend a few minutes to support a cause… with some chance it might even pique their curiosity to follow the show!
Forums & other types of Message Boards – Those are our most powerful tools; spreading the word about Eli Stone and getting the attention of a much wider audience would tremendously boost the next phases of our agenda. I will try working on a generic message that could help in making our voice better heard.

REMEMBER: We do not want to spam / annoy / disrespect others in this endeavor. Try to make a judgment call before mass mailing your friends / advertise this site on forums, etc… We are trying to save Eli Stone, but we aren’t trying to make enemies in the process J
Best of luck to everyone! If you have any comments / suggestions about this please do not hesitate to ask!

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