Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Global Warming : Fact or Fiction

Is Global Warming Fact? Did we as mankind have anything to do with it?

My short answer : Does it matter?

My long answer: Taking the time and the energy to be neater, cleaner people on this planet could not possibly be a bad thing. Does it matter the reason that you are buying recycled products and composting? It couldn’t hurt. You are reducing your waste, does it really matter why? You are reusing whenever you can, could that ever be an issue? You have started recycling everywhere you go, could that in any way be a problem? Shopping your local fruit farm or market? What’s wrong with that?
The way I see it, these are all healthy good habits to be in regardless of your reasons for doing it. Even, if you believe it is a conspiracy and all of the researchers and scientist are phony, does that mean it is a bad idea to starve a landfill? Or to eat things that aren’t covered in pesticides? Or to turn off your lights when you leave a room?
I just can’t see where any of this political finger pointing matters. Didn’t we learn in kindergarten that if you make a mess, you need to clean it up? Being a responsible person should carry over to how you live your life, in your home, in your neighborhood, on your planet. So be responsible, for no other reason than you should. It’s the right thing to do.

So go ahead and buy a hybrid, starve a landfill, shop for solar panels and look for things made from recycled goods (like www.repurposed4you.com’s line of handmade recycled art). After all, as long as we are thinking first about what we do, consume and waste, regardless of your political or scientific affiliation, how can we go wrong?

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